
En blogg om min träning till att bli triathlet. Här skriver jag av mig om mina framsteg och mina nitar jag går på under resans väg. Mycket nöje!


Publicerad 2011-11-29 20:19:42 i Allmänt,

Denna helg har varit extremt mycket.
Bara att jag spelade på söndagen ställde till det lite extra.
Men jag har hållit mitt tränings schema hyfsat intakt endå.
Man får ta dom små stunderna och omvandla dem till små löprundor osv.
Annars bara att kasta sig ner i 100 situps och 100 armhävningar gör ju sitt.
Efter min mega vecka med träning följer en intervju som här kommer på engelska då jakobs blogg är på det språket.
För att kolla in Jakobs blogg gå in här

Jakob: How do you feel after the week?

Dan: Well, right now not so good. I ended the whole thing by picking up my kids stomach problem and turning my self inside out totally. After that I slept for a day. But the week itself felt really good. I didn't get enough sleep during the weekend since I was working late during the nights as a DJ. The body was already tired from training and then I hit the limit.

Jakob: What was the biggest difference with the new schedule?

Dan: The early mornings where something new.. and sit-ups during lunch! But I guess the biggest difference was to train three times a day.

Jakob: What was worst during the week?

Dan: Fitting everything to my tight daily schedule with work and family. You are depending on work hours, picking up kids from kindergarten, scheduled trainings and so on. Also, push ups are ALWAYS tough!

Jakob: What was best during the week?

Dan: Morning training! So simple.. but made it made you feel strong already in the morning. Good way to start the day! The meditation was nice after you had done it, but getting to be alone, calm down and find peace was HARD!

Jakob: Is there something from the week that you will continue with?

Dan: Yes, again the morning training. It was great! I'll try to get up a few mornings every week from now on.

Jakob: Now when you lived through this, will you accept a new challenge with an upgraded program in a few months?

Dan: Well, not if I plan to keep my job and my family. This was quite enough! But, if it is on a holiday when I have the time, I am ready!



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